Wicked Local Mamas

5 Pregnancy Aversions

[fa icon="calendar"] Aug 27, 2015 1:44:17 PM / by Di Ciruolo

Di Ciruolo



We've all been through it; the debilitating nausea that accompanies the first trimester of pregnancy. It hits women in varying degrees, differs from woman to woman and even pregnancy to pregnancy. One thing is certain however, things that you were doing a lot of during your first trimester can make you nauseous years or even decades after the fact. 

Scientists say that aversions develop as evolution's way of keeping us alive. If you ate a plant that made you sick, you never ate that plant again. Or if you ate the creamy mac and cheese from a local deli in Danvers and got sick that one time, you never went back for it, did you? Science.

Personally, I was pretty lucky. I did' t get sick in public, I had a very supportive partner and I didn't have a girl (apparently, it matters). That being said, I have a phobia about throwing up and I was nauseous for 14 weeks. That is 98 days. 2,352 hours of nausea. *Gag* I have incredibly weird things that bother me to this day, here are mine, what are yours?


I know! It was my favorite too! But the fact remains that fall has a very specific smell in New England and it was everywhere when I was first pregnant. Pumpkins everything, spiced lattes, someone who lives near me has a wood stove, that's on the list too. That delicious briskness that hangs in the air and tickles your lungs? Ruined. Maybe forever. 







2. Chickens Soup

When I was first pregnant, I felt like I had the flu. I was still a vegetarian then, and my husband found noodles shaped like chickens and made me "chickens noodle soup". That had a very distinct smell when it cooked up with vegetables. Although adorable, that soup is over.

3. Bojack Horseman

It came out in fall on Netflix and a lot if the people I was working with were watching it. So I watched it, and then I kept missing a lot of it due to the narcolepsy that also strikes in early pregnancy. So I kept watching it while I was being drained by my beloved parasite, and now the thought of the theme song makes me want to vomit. Blagh!

4. House paint

When my partner found out we were pregnant he got a fit of needing to finish all the home projects on the house we had just moved into earlier that spring. That included painting all the rooms. I wasn't in them, of course, but there was this after smell once the paint dried, ugh. I am certain we are never painting in here again. 

5. Hipster/Indie Music

That stuff that was popular last summer and fall? It was eclectic with like a lot of synthesizer and house beats around singer/song writer style? I don't want to name names, but you know what I mean. Dunks is using it in one of their campaigns for smoothies and they might as well say: "don't ever buy this smoothie. You will vomit".


So, those are the things I never want to think about again, just writing about it now makes me ill. What about you, Mamas?


Di Ciruolo

Written by Di Ciruolo

Di is a freelance writer, blogger and newly minted WAHM and a Co-Founder at Wicked Local Mamas. She shares a son with her beautiful, well-bearded husband, Jay and 3 dogs of varying size and commitment to the happiness of the household in North Beverly, MA.